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ontario parks association

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  • Invasive Species Workshop

Invasive species workshop

Instructed by: 

Shawn Murdy

In 2018, it was estimated that invasive species cost Ontario municipalities and conservation authorities $38.8M. This workshop will look at some of the top offending plant species in Southern and Central Ontario that contributed to that amount. You will be introduced to best management practices to help you develop a control strategy for each invasive plant discussed. As well, you will develop identification skills to help correctly identify these invasive species, understand their toxic properties, and the impacts they have on native landscapes.

This course is worth .5 credit towards your Parks Practitioner Designation.

    Want to host this session? 
    For this session we require a classroom that can accommodate approximately 25 people and has a projector and screen available. 

    Here's what people say about this course: 

    "Instructor did a very good job of presenting relevant material, especially considering the challenges/limitations of online format!"

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